Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Life of Kordo since May

Russ had the sex talk with Kord. The next day was Sunday and we have late church so all the kids were hanging out playing on our bed. Hadley, Layne and Case went downstairs. Russ and I were talking and Kord was reading his book on our bed. Suddenly Kord jumped up and headed for the door.

Nicole—“Kord, what’s wrong”

Kord, with a waving gesture of the hand—“Isn’t there something YOU TWO would like to do”


Kord's team got 2nd place in LaCamas Little League! This is his 6th season playing. It's hard to believe that Kord(2nd from the right) has done anything for 6 years!
During the season, we headed off to Seattle for Little League weekend at the Seattle Mariners game. Yep, that's Kord calling his hit.

Do-do-doodoo-doo-dee(that's the circus theme me). Layne learned how to ride a two wheeler, Kord decided to show her how...on HER bike.

Kord and Russ have BOTH gotten into downhill biking. On their WAY to the trails, Kord took an 8 foot biff straight down into the blackberry bushes on the right. NICE. We decided that he needed a full out mountain bike instead of a BMX bike. So, ironically, though I have two pix of Kord on bikes, neither one is actually HIS bike.

Yep, Kord decided that he needed to build himself a stool...Have I mentioned that I love this kid!

1 comment:

  1. With regards to "the talk" I failed to mention that it doesn't happen nearly as one might hope.
