Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Goofy Goobers

Well, we've been having a FANTASTIC fall. It's been ridiculously gorgeous up here. In my 10 years here, I don't think I've ever seen the fall colors this vibrant. We've been too busy, but we're working on that. I've always said that we're not going to be a crazy busy family. So I've said that each child can only have one sport at a time. That's great but when you multiply that times three kids in sports, then you add piano lessons (I'm thinking it's not fair to claim that as their one activity), and cub scouts--suddenly things get a little crazy. Then there are the parties, friends over and on and on. So we're working on finding the most important things and cutting other things out...Any ideas would be MUCH appreciated. Anyway, here's some fun that we've been having...

A women after my own heart...cookie dough and diet coke--check me out being a good mom--it's caffeine free!
Kord was the chairman in fourth grade play...this was BIG. He was front and center with TONS of lines. He did a great job, so Layne and I made GI-NORMOUS cookies for all.

How you know when it's gone from a recession to a depression

Our AWESOME cousins came for Thanksgiving. In an attempt to bribe the older cousins (who aren't even in this picture) to come, we bought Rock Band. "OOOHHHH great Mother of Rock Band, please, allow us the opportunity to engage in the noble pursuit of Mississippi Queen".

They won

Okay seriously, the boy's freakin' adorable!


I know it's been a while, but Halloween was the normal hilarious and fun...

...except for Hadley, she was the sick Karate Girl. It was pretty pathetic.


  1. Wow! What fun! You guys have been seriously busy! Glad you have had a fun and eventful fAlL!!!

  2. Love the rock band pic! So cute! And yes He is freakin' adorable!!!

  3. Okay, you're killin' me! You have to update, seriously I get very anxious when you don't. Play along girl and remember your cousin is VERY OCD! Come on, what's up, show me, tell me...
